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Medicross Hopital Medical Center regularly receives letters of thanks from former patients or their family members for the high level of care we provide throughout our facility.
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Real-Life Stories of Healing and Hope
Overall Rating 4.7 / 3285 reviews on Zocdoc
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Some Testimonials About Us
I am writing to express my gratitude from my family for the care given to my mother. In the SICU, there was care, compassion, and respect. A special thank you to your social workers as well; they provided professional guidance, comfort, and strength to make our own decisions. Finally, I cannot praise the Palliative Care and Hospice team enough.

Mrs. Christina Blodgett-Dycus
My wife and I were recently heading to Florida. While on the jetway, my wife told me that she wasn’t feeling well and didn’t think we should get on the plane. We were eventually taken to Jamaica Hospital. From the moment she was wheeled through the doors of the emergency room, my fears were immediately put to rest. A courteous, compassionate and competent group of people immediately enveloped her in a cocoon of security. I would like to tell you that you should be extremely proud of your staff for the manner in which they treated a frightened pair of senior citizens.

Jonathan Calure, MD
We were highly impressed with the thoroughness of the onsite review and the overall marketing plan’s in-depth assessment. The Healthcare Success team was extremely knowledgeable in their areas of expertise and comprehensiveness of their review.

Debra Proulx, RN, BHS, MBA, CBN
My care was excellent and the facilities were top notch… Nurses, aides and support personnel were outstanding, cheerful and very helpful and got me on my way in record time. I cannot say enough about the experience. I was sent to Penn because my PCP (primary care provider) had an experience there as a cardiac patient.